Practical Intuition for Logical Women

Feeling STUCK? Turn your vague gut feelings into practical next steps.

What's Inside?

Next Bootcamp: Build Your Own Financial Freedom (Stars February 21)


Upgrade an area of your life with soul-deep intuition, just like a professional intuitive. Follow me as I walk you through my favorite intuition scripts, with step by step videos. 

We will dive into YOUR intuition to find
 ⭐️ Soul Deep Clarity about the root cause of the problem
 ⭐️ New Opportunities to jump start your progress 
 ⭐️ The Express Lane to reach your goals 50% faster
PS: No prior experience necessary! These bootcamps are designed to take you to your next step, whether you are already highly intuitive or just getting started!

  • Build Your Own Financial Freedom (Stars February 21)
  • Soul Deep Healthy Body
  • Trust Your Intuition 
  • Soul Deep Self Love: Heal Your Relationship With Yourself
  • Create a Business You Love
  • Soul Deep Life Purpose: What Do You Really Want? 
  • Symptoms That Won’t Heal
  • Soul Deep Weight Loss 
  • Upgrade Your Finances 
  • Upgrade Your Career


Develop 12 core intuitive skills to go from STUCK to NEXT STEPS!

The $1,000,000 Question


🚫 Psychic
🚫 Weird
🚫 Only For Gifted People

✅ Subconscious Information
✅ Clarity + Opportunity + Express Lane
✅ 4 Ways You Are Secretly Intuitive

Who We Are

Feeling stuck? Find soul deep clarity by turning your vague gut feelings into practical next steps you can trust.

Who we are
- Logical women who want to make more fulfilling, soul-aligned decisions
- Interested in the Express Lane to reach our goals 50% faster
- Ready to rocket-fuel our success using our intuition 

Who we are NOT
- Psychics (talking to dead people, predicting the future, lottery numbers...)

It's sooooo easy to get lost in a world that is trying to tell you who you "should" be...

Your intuition LIGHTS THE WAY to the BEST version of yourself.
A life where you feel
... Loved
... Fulfilled by your Career
... Financially Free

What is YOUR dream?
Your intuition is calling. Don't let it go to voicemail!

Meet Elise | The Left Brain Intuitive

I'm Elise, your host on The Left Brain Intuition Community and here's my story.

In my late 30's, I was a hot mess 🤦‍♀️

I was divorced (without alimony or child support) and the retirement calculator from Bank of America told me I would have to work until I was 68 😱 😭

So I decided to put ALL MY CHIPS on my intuition and made some of  financial decisions based 💯 on intuitive insights.

This is what happened:

✅  I was debt free by 43
✅  I retired at 47
✅  I became financially free at 49 💃

I want other women who feel lost, confused or powerless in their own lives to take that first step, to say YES to their own intuition.

I talk about intuition EVERY DAY
because I was silent about it for so long

I am grateful that you are here so we can be intuitive together ❤️